Part 2 - Fundamental analysis
information required to perform fundamental analysis
The biggest part of fundamental analysis involves analyzing the
financial statements of company, In other word you can say it is a
quantitative analysis. This involves looking at Revenue, Expenses, Assets
, Liabilities and all the other financial aspects of a company.
Fundamental analysts look at this information to gain insight on a company's
past performance and forecast future performance.
All the public listed companies in Indian stock exchange
are required to file statements of financial condition on a regular
basis. These include quarterly statement, and an annual statement. Each
statement follows a prescribed format to include certain basic information.
Public listed companies are also subject to audits by
government agencies that oversee their given industry. Those audits may be
either scheduled or random events. The results of a regulatory audit may also
be published--interesting reading for a would-be investor.
The Quarter 2 Quarter result are good places to start
your fundamental research, but you’ll likely want to dig deeper into the
specifics information For that you’ll need to understand three interrelated
types of statements which are very important
1 Balance Sheet
2 Income statement
3 Cash flow statement
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