Tuesday, 26 March 2013


if the world's greatest personality feel that there is so much strength in our thoughts, It must be true You will belive as much as i do , that each thougt in invaluable , according to the customs of this world any precious things must be spent very carefully - then why does we toke our valuable thought so lightly ..???

If in reality our thoughts  are so powerful , then as soon as thought occurs to us ,,we must question ourselvs whether this thought will  shape our life or spoil it ???

i realize that when we think continuously about smoething in the sub-conscious mind , with full dedication and focus ,then the desire result attract towards us .
If this is the reality , then before you register a thought in your mind , do plan what kind of result you wish to attain :-

friends ,
if our thoughts are really so powerful,
and we do not spend any money on thinking ,
if our thoughts can make our lives happy and successful,
then the ital question - why we are not dedicated,
each moment in thinking about "what we wishes to achieve"

Lets live a cheerful life....

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