Friday, 8 July 2016

Debt to Equity Ratio

To have the better understanding regarding debt to equity ratio kindly go through the  explanation given below.  

Debt/Equity Ratio is a debt ratio used to measure a company's financial leverage, calculated by dividing a company's total liabilities by its stockholders' equity. The Debt/Equity ratio indicates how much debt a company is using to finance its assets relative to the amount of value represented in shareholders' equity.

Formula to calculate Debt/Equity Ratio

Total Liability -Shareholder's Equity 

For example  :
suppose a company has a total shareholder value of Rs. 120,000 and has Rs 420,000 in liablities Its debt/equity ratio is then 3.5 (4,20,000/1,20,000) or 350%, indicating that the company has been heavily taking on debt and thus has high risk. Conversely, if it has a shareholder value of RS 420,000 and Rs. 120,000  in liabilities, the company’s D/E ratio is 0.2857(1,20,000 / 420,000), or 28.57%, indicating that the company has taken on relatively little debt and thus has low risk

what should be understand be different level of Debt/Equity 

Mukesh Kapri

Monday, 4 July 2016

What will happen to immigration when Britain leaves the EU?

Eurosceptics say Brexit will allow Britain to take back control of its borders in order to curb immigration and increase security. 
Britain will no longer have to accept ‘free movement of people’ from Europe, which Brexiteers say puts pressure on public services such as the NHS and schools.
Brexit campaigners have said that Britain will be free to impose an ‘Australian-style points system’ to better manage immigration and fill skill shortages here. 
But the Remain campaign believes that Brexit will hit the British economy, which relies on the free movement of EU migrant workers such as health professionals. 

What is Brexit?

The people of Britain voted for a British exit, or Brexit, from the EU in a historic referendumon Thursday June 23. 
The outcome has prompted jubilant celebrations among Eurosceptics around Europe and sent shockwaves through the global economy. 
After the result, the pound fell to its lowest level since 1985 and David Cameron resigned as Prime Minister of this country on Friday June 24.
He said: “I will do everything I can as Prime Minister to steady the ship over the coming weeks and months.
"But I do not think it would be right for me to try to be the captain that steers our country to its next destination.” 
The next Prime Minister, who will be in place by September 9, will decide when to tell the EU that Britain wants to go using Article 50
The use of Article 50 starts the timer on two years of exit talks before the UK is expelled from the political bloc.
Eurosceptic MP Boris Johnson has ruled himself out of the Tory leadship contest after his ally Michael Gove stabbed him in the back by removing his support.
Mr Gove is standing in the leadership contest against the Home Secretary Theresa May, energy minister Andrea Leadsom, Stephen Crabb and Liam Fox. 
The Brexit vote has sparked calls for a second Scottish independence referendum because of majority of Scots voted to remain in the EU during the referendum. 
Spain's Government has also called for joint control of Gibraltar and Sinn Fein is demanding a vote to unite Ireland and Northern Ireland.  
Labour MPs have backed a motion of no confidence in the leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn amid mass resignations over to his lukewarm support for the EU.
Leading Brexiteer Nigel Farage resigned as the leader of Ukip on Monday July 4 after achieving his life goal of getting Britain out of the EU. 

Wednesday, 25 May 2016


Equity Trading is not a game. Once you start getting yourself prepared for it, you see that it is an extended profession where the individual needs to know a few basics and risks associated with it before starting to trade on real time stock markets. Here are the 10 quick things to be known before investing.
Invest only the surplus: If you want to take a risk in the volatile market, invest only the surplus money which you can afford to lose in the market which will not disturb your daily living. Do not invest in the stock market by selling your existing assets, because as exciting as the prospect to earn more might be, the returns are not guaranteed.
Associated Risks: There are various risks associated within the stock market, out of which there are two primary points the investors have to take care and be aware of are
No guaranteed return: Though there are some stocks which have performed historically well over a long period of time, there is no guarantee that it will continue to do so or even the company will stay in the business.
You may lose money: Stock prices vary often drastically for many reasons with no pre indications. Especially when the trader has not planned for long term investments.
Do Not Time the Market: Stocks are long term investments plans with many short term price fluctuations. People might have heard in news that the stock price are climbing higher and higher in price. Prices drive even much higher when more and more investors jump in to buy these stocks. The prices start falling at much faster rate than they have raised when investors start selling the stocks to make cash gains from it. In such situations holding the stocks is better option, the prices may raise back soon. Investors are not going to lose money on the purchased stocks until they are selling them off. Often investors do the mistake of selling the stocks as soon as the price starts falling.
Learn the art – Technical Analysis: Technical analysis if a form of forecasting stocks on the basis of historical data and to analyse the tendency of these stocks to behave similarly over a repeated time period. Technical analysis works on the principle that the current market price is discounted of all the information known to all the traders or select few most active traders in the market, who has the access to the most privileged information about the market.
It involves the study of various parameters like averages, trendlines, oscillator, patterns etc. Traders who learn technical analysis can boost their financial status and be more confident about their decisions. Technical analysis is a skill that can be enabled with more and more practice on forecasting and having patience to get the results.
Paper trading: Paper trading involves the use of stock market simulator system with hypothetical account balance to trade in the securities, the trade is just on papers and involves no real money. There are companies like TradersCockpit, providing such services for those who want to try. Theoretically it gives best practice for those who are new for trading and to professionals a room to try out their new trading strategies. Trading in a simulated market has many benefits, such as
Observe the market behaviour with no cost and no risk involved.
Develop your own trading strategy, test it, correct it and retest it.
Rebuild your self confidence when you are on a losing track.
Discipline is key: Historically it has been seen that even bull markets have shown some panic movements. The volatility in the market has inevitably made the investor lose their money despite the bull run in the market. However the investor those have systematic investment plans, have discipline and patience in monitoring their portfolio have been able to generate great returns. Hence it is prudent to have a disciplined investment plans.
Risk & Money Management: For a trader money management is one variable that gives cutting edge to trade in stock market. Investors can not control the market spikes but surely they can manage their money in every transactions they make. A good trading strategy is worthless unless you are able to manage your money well, because a trader will be left with zero money to trade if he/she do not follow a proper money management techniques.
One of the best technique of managing ones money is by using the stop loss tool. It is most useful for those who will be unavailable to monitor their stocks frequently. It works on the principle of automatic triggering for execution of an order when the set threshold value of the stock price is reached. There are no hard and fast rules for setting the stop loss percentage value. This completely depends on the individuals style of trading. However it is advisable by the experts in the industry to keep a stop of not more than 5% for an active traders and not more than 15% for long term investors.
Hold Diversified Portfolio: An investor can be able to minimize the risk associated with the stock trading by holding a diversified stocks in their portfolio. One can diversify their portfolio in many ways like holding stocks of companies operating in different industries so that even if one industry is down performing other stocks in the portfolio will not be affected.
Keep long time frame: Stock markets are subjected to short term fluctuations and sometimes bear markets. Holding stocks for a longer time frame has always delighted the stockholders with great returns. Invest the money which you don’t need in the near future, because if investor sells the stocks when the prices are down they may lose the money. Hence it is advisable to hold the stocks for a longer time frame even when the stocks are under performing for a shorter period.
Remember a Stock is really a Company: Also the last but not least point is stick to the fundamental of investing, you invest in a company that will grow in future. Hence do not get gamified into stocks game, your money is invested on a real company, with real work. Hence do all possible diligence on the work of company, its future growth potential, growth drivers, and your personal belief on the potential of growth. Going by this fundamental you shall increase your chance of earnings from a stock--
Happy Investing